Délices sublimes (Mélanges WiseLicious) | MDO

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Délices sublimes (Mélanges WiseLicious)

Délices sublimes (Mélanges WiseLicious)

Merchant member of MDO since 2016

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Muffins, Cookies, Energy Balls and Brownies. Delicious and Nutritious! DELICES SUBLIMES is created by a naturopathic nutritionist with over 20 years experience in the health domain and a proud mother of 3. Low Sugar, Vegan, All Natural, Organic Grains. Find my new WiseLicious Mixes for Savvy Fun, Fast treats that offer Tasty Satisfaction! Life is too short to go without desserts, I made them HEALTHY ! :) Please refer to site for more information, including nutritional facts: www.en.delicessublimes.ca   Enjoy !